Why Compost Nation

Since inception… We've been building a business to help solve the problem of lost nutrients in our soils. Along this journey, we've discovered that composting creates more jobs, fights climate change, and builds a more vibrant, resilient local food system.

The nutrients found in food scraps are precious and must be returned to the soil. We call this nutrient-cycling. It's sophisticated, it's beautiful, it's easy, and it's incredibly impactful.

Divertingfood waste

Nutrient-rich compost created from food scraps while diverting compostables from landfills


of your wastestream iscompostable


equivalent of taking11 thousand cars offthe road for a year


soil + compost holds2.5 times more waterthan traditional soil


of usable landtaken up bylandfills saved.

Nutrient Cycling

Nutrient-cycling is a beautiful, natural process that returns nutrients back into the soil from which they came. It’s simple! Healthy, nutritious food is grown from healthy, nutrient-rich soil. When food scraps are sent to landfills, those precious nutrients are wasted, starving our soils from the necessary organic material needed to be productive and healthy.

By composting, community members and businesses close the nutrient loop by returning those nutrients back into the soil to grow more healthy food!